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Ever tried to write a web page and make it work in all major browsers?

In this video I make a change to Cuzimatter. Then I test it in Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 6 in a row. Warning: trying this at home may melt your RAM chips. And your brain.

What’re we looking at?

It’s the fix of a spelling error in our Cuzimatter, which by the way is written using symfony. The software used is TextMate to edit, Virtue Desktop to do virtual desktops, and two instances of Parallels – one running Windows XP and the other running Windows Vista in Coherence mode.

We wrote a slightly negative article about Parallels last week, but we gotta hand it to them. They write some pretty solid virtualization software.

Music is Marooned by Zale. This video is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

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  1. Netzkultur


  1. G says:


    Extreme web development to some, professional web development to others..

    It is standard to test in 6+ browsers (ff 1.5/2 win+mac, ie 5.5/6/7, safari..) to ensure the site remains accessible to as many users as possible. Anything less only serves to perpetuate the infestation of mediocrity that seems all too prevalent in this industry.

  2. Dear G,

    I think you misunderstand the demonstration. Certainly there’s nothing extreme with testing a website with the major browsers – that’s normal work. The extreme part is running four browsers from three different operating systems at the same time in one machine.

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