Introducing YippieMove '09. Easy email transfers. Now open for all destinations.

Unfortunately the switch to the new infrastructure was bumpier than expected. When we finally got everything ready for the switch to the new infrastructure, we discovered that some of the new servers did not match the specs we ordered. We’ve talked to our hosting provider, and they promised to fix this as soon as possible.

We sincerely apologize for this delay, but we hope you understand that we cannot control this. The YippieMove website is still working, and you can sign up for new transfers. The only thing that is affected is the actual transfers.

Once we get the servers modified to fit our specs, we will have a small amount of downtime (~20 minutes) where we make the actual switch.

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  1. Raymond says:

    I worked at Amazon, so I know it’s difficult flipping on new servers.

    Speaking of Amazon, you should use EC2. It sounds like it suits your needs: scaling on demand with a bunch of worker boxes.

  2. Raymond,

    We are actually investigating EC2 as an option. Unfortunately bandwidth is very expensive on EC2.

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