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Parallels makes a virtual PC type of software for the Mac which allows you to run Windows on the Mac. Great software, but the company has a little bit of a history of quality control problems. Today the company launched a new design of their website. Unfortunately the company forgot about supporting the default Mac browser, Safari!

Parallels website shows a dropdown in the wrong place in Safari.

Nothing big: a drop down menu is showing out of place. The site actually seems to start working after you resize it for the first time, or click a single link. It’s likely to be fixed by the time many people read this, but it’s still a little bit ironic that a company with a major Mac market would not check their site in Safari.

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  1. We didn’t forget about Safari…we just had some minor errors in the web code! Its being fixed as we speak.

  2. Thanks for the heads up, Ben. I look forward to seeing the new version.

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