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Agency Byte has a good article up about scope creep. Scope creep is the unfortunate tendency where project scopes tend to balloon up during a contracting job. Most clients don’t know what they want exactly, but they’ll be sure to tell you during your work. And they’ll expect you to add these new things that were obviously needed without any additional payment.

Personally I believe that an agile development method is a good way to counter scope creep. When you deliver small incremental improvements frequently there will be fever surprises for the customer and many more chances to make adjustments. In fact this might be one of the most important features of agile development. Of course you still need a clearly defined scope or your project may never end.

So for that agile scope, or if agile isn’t your thing at all, Agency Byte has plenty of advice for you. Here’s a good one:

“Defining what is “out of scope” can be as important as defining what is in, especially because you probably already know the areas in which clients usually tend to push the limits. Write them down and include them in your proposal.”

Read all of the tips from Agency Byte’s here.

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1 Comment

  1. Alexander: Thanks for the mention! Glad you enjoyed the article. Your statement is dead-on: “When you deliver small incremental improvements frequently there will be fever surprises for the customer and many more chances to make adjustments.” I couldn’t agree more!

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