Introducing YippieMove '09. Easy email transfers. Now open for all destinations.

Hey guys.

This is the blog of a startup currently in stealth mode. Even that we aren’t giving you the company name here, you can at least see that we are insanely good at naming blogs.

Now this would be the place where I told you a little bit about the company and our grand plan. But like all startups our resources are ideas. Big companies might have many other resources, so they don’t have to keep their cards as close to the chest. But small companies, like this one, only have ideas. So we’re going to play it safe and tell you all about our vision later.

Most of our attention is going into design of our software right now. We’ve been at the drawing board for a couple of months and have some very fancy diagrams to show for it. There’s also the matter of paper work for setting up the company. We’re a bit behind with that, but that’s alright. Viktor made some contacts who happen to know all about it. We still have plenty of time to get all of that set up as well.

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  1. Playing With Wire » Playing With Wire Celebrates 1 Year!


  1. Anonymous says:

    Wow, this is one sweet blog.

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